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Freedom At Midnight (Tamil)

Freedom At Midnight (Tamil)
Movie : Freedom At Midnight (Tamil)
Actors : Sidhant Gupta, Chirag Vohra, Rajendra Chawla, Luke McGibney, Cordelia Bugeja, Arif Zakaria, Ira Dubey, Malishka Mendonsa, K.C. Shankar
Director : Nikkhil Advani
Year : -2024
Language : Tamil
Genres : Historical, Drama, Series
Rating : 7.9/10
Story : Based on the bestselling book by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre, 'Freedom At Midnight' recounts the events leading up to the Partition of India and Pakistan, and the religious and socio-political dynamics of the era. The historical drama stars Sidhant Gupta, Chirag Vohra, Rajendra Chawla, Luke McGibney, Cordelia Bugeja, Arif Zakaria, Ira Dubey and Malishka Mendonsa.
Quality : HD DVD
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